My blogs

  • 记录在incus/lxd非特权容器内跑wechat for linux - 目前用的ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS。对于想在容器内跑gui程序,并在宿主机上使用,还是需要一些小调整的。首先,我们建一个gui的profile 内容如下 然后启动一个容器,我们就叫wechat吧 如果用lxd,估计把images:ubuntu/22.04/cloud改成ubuntu:jammy就行...
    3 周前



不知从什么时候开始,我的win7 x64 ultimate就老是这个毛病,删除一个刚刚运行(不知道和运行与否有关)的exe程序,点删除(shift-delete)ok,文件消失了,然而F5刷新一下,这个文件又回来了。反反复复删不掉,放着它不管,那么过几分钟,可能会正常消失掉。这个毛病曾经有一阵子导致我的chrome无法正常升级。我也上网google了好久,中文的网页基本没有结果。今天总算是找到了问题所在,在google英文网页的结果,然后还要多看几个,才找到原因——由于Application Experience这个服务被我禁用导致。把AE服务设置成Manual也行,它会自动启动的。

It's a weird problem - win7 x64 ultimate. When I permanently delete a exe file(such as shift-delete), the file will disappear, but if F5 to refresh the folder, the file reappear. Unless I leave the file a few minutes later. It will be deleted finally. This problem ever prevented me from upgrading my Chrome browser. Now from Google, I find the problem - service "Application Experience" is disabled. I leave this service as manual start. Problem goes away.
